WADA’s 2025 Prohibited List now in force
FITEQ would like to remind the Teqball community the 2025 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List) and the 2025 Monitoring Program did enter into force today (1 January 2025).
Major modifications for 2025
- S0. Non-approved substances,
- S4. Hormone and metabolic modulators,
- S5. Diuretics and masking agents, and
- S6. Stimulants.
- The dosing intervals of formoterol have been changed, though the maximum daily delivered dose remains the same.
- Donation of blood and blood components including by apheresis are no longer prohibited if performed in an accredited collection centre.
- Hydrafinil is now classified as a non-specified stimulant.
- It is clarified that guanfacine is not a prohibited substance.
- Beta-blockers are no longer prohibited in any skiing and snowboarding disciplines
The Therapeutic Use Exemption Program
Athletes may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take medications or undergo procedures. If the medication or method an athlete is required to use to treat an illness, or condition is prohibited as per the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Prohibited List a TUE may give that athlete the authorization to use that substance or method while competing without invoking an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) and applicable sanction. Applications for TUEs are evaluated by a panel of physicians, the TUE Committee (TUEC). For more information kindly read FITEQ’s Clean Sport menu.
Educational Resources
In addition to the documents linked above, WADA has provided educational resources as part of its Code Implementation Support Program (CISP), which can be accessed through the links below and on the Agency’s Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform (ADEL) and on FITEQ’S Clean Sport menu. These resources include:
- A CISP Checklist – Implementing Revised List (available now - originally published January 2021)
- Athlete and ASP Guide to the 2025 List (available now)