In accordance with FITEQ’s Statutes, FITEQ shall set up the following standing Committees:
(i) Athletes’ Committee (ii) Legal Affairs Committee (iii) Finance Committee (iv) Sport Development Committee (v) Medical & Anti-Doping Committee (vi) Technical & Coaching Committee (vii) Scientific and Research Committee (viii) Women’s Committee |
(ix) Para Sport Committee (x) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (xi) Ethics and Disciplinary (xii) Governance Committee (xiii) Athlete’s Status and Transfer Committee (xiv) Athlete Entourage Committee (xv) Sustainability Committee
General rules
The governing body of FITEQ, the Executive Board establishes the Committees by appointing its members. During this procedure, National Federations are invited to make suggestions and make proposals in this subject.
The general eligibility criteria for candidates are as follows: they must be natural persons with full legal capacity who i) are not under any sanctions relating to sport, ii) have not been prosecuted by any governmental authority for infractions relating to sports, including violations of integrity and anti-doping and iii) other than points i)-ii) hereof, have not been sanctioned for the last 25 years and/or are not subject of current or pending proceeding for breach of the Statutes and/or Regulations. The candidates shall have professional experience and qualifications relevant to the tasks and duties of the relevant Committees. Additional eligibility requirements may be imposed by the Executive Board for the given position. Such requirements must be reasonable and shall not impose undue burdens that have a discriminatory effect.
The Committees shall have a balance of male and female members and representation from different continents, where reasonably possible.
Each Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members, one Chair and at least two (2) members.
To the exception of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee and the Medical & Anti-Doping Committee, FITEQ’s President, Chair, Vice-President, and General Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Committees.
Specific rule
Once FITEQ reaches 150 GAISF, the process applicable to establishing the Athletes’ Committee shall be laid down by the General Assembly.
Procedure for 2021-2022
The timing of the procedure to establish FITEQ’s Committees has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
On 2 March 2021, FITEQ invited their Members (i.e. National Federations recognized by FITEQ at the time) to make nominations regarding the Committees. The deadline for the submission was on 10 March 2021, 17:00 CET.
On 26 October 2021, FITEQ reached out to two different groups of stakeholders regarding FITEQ’s Committee: Members providing their nominations by March 2021 and those National Federations that had been awarded membership after March 2021.
Members providing their nominations back in March 2021 were requested to confirm their existing nominations due to the significant time elapsed since March.
In line with the principle of equal treatment, Members recognized by FITEQ after March 2021 were also invited to submit their own nominations.
The deadline for the provision of the confirmations and nominations was on 1 November 2021, 17:00 CET.
Acknowledging that the composition of the Executive Board has changed following the General Assembly of 12 December 2021, the decision from the new Executive Board is expected in Q1 of 2022.
Thank you for all nominating Members and their nominees that have responded to our request.