FITEQ’s 2022 General Assembly
Similar to last year, FITEQ held a successful General Assembly (GA) on December 8, 2022 via online platform.
During the GA, several important decisions were made by the Members, including the acceptance of the Annual Reports, Committee Annual Reports, the Financial Reports and the appointment of FITEQ’s external auditor. The proposed amendment of the Statutes were also approved which serve to promote the continuous development of the sport and the organization as a whole. As a novelty, FITEQ introduced the possibility to establish continental confederations and the very first one, PANAM Teqball Confederation was approved by the Members as FITEQ affiliate.
Jawad El Hajri, Rui Leitão and Filomena Fortes were all re-elected to Additional Executive Board Members, and Renee Washington, COO of USA Track and Field, was added as a new member to the Executive Board.
General Secretary Marius Vizer Jr announced that, effective from January 1, 2023, he resigns from his position.
As usual, a Q&A session was hosted by the Chair which concerned future initiatives and milestones for 2023.